
The heartbleed bug

Campaign overview and user management


Customize your reports for each client

New Server

Automatic currency settings

Customizable columns

Weekly reports preview

Some customization and German reports

MCC account password no longer required


Campaigncoach is now part of FourStack

Toggle cost related columns

Some small improvements

New BCC Functionality

Nous Parlons Français

Uptime 99.99% over the past 6 months

Online invoices and payments

Formatting glitch

Formatting glitch fixed

Report per month more flexible

Pay as you go

Improved "Client Accounts" page

Invoice mailing

Auto scheduling

New clients with no email address

Reports in more languages

Simpler reports with top 20 keywords


Customizable colors

Free trial

Automated report generation

Email issue

Small updates

Today we ran our first batch of automated reports

We have implemented many small changes

Customizable emails

Resending reports

Alternative email addresses on client account level

We just finished our payment system

Site updates

We now support conversion tracking

Better UI and formatting

Generate all your reports with one click

No more empty reports

Another server upgrade

AdWords Downtime: September 12th, 10am-2pm PDT

Se Habla Español!

Send reports from your own email address

Support for Multi Tiered MCCs